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Equipes de Recherche

Productions Scientifiques

Activités Scientifiques

Projets de recherche

Publications Internationales
Arabic (AR)

Lahouel M
, Belli N, Chebab S, Tekouk M, Leghouchi E. Oxidative stress induced by the co-exposition to lead and cadmium, two contaminants of the deep water of oued Nil (Jijel-Algeria). Revue des Sciences de l’Eau (RSE) 23(3), 289-301 (2010).

Segueni N, Khadraoui F, Moussaoui F, Zellagui A, Gherraf N, Lahouel M and Rhouati S. Volatil constituents of Algerian propolis. Annals of Biological Research, 1 (2): 103-107 (2010).

Lahouel M ,  Boutabet K, Kebsa W  et  Alyane M, Polyphenolic fractions of Algerian propolis reverses doxorubicin induced acute renal oxidative stress. African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 4(10): 224-232, (2010)

Labib SN, Zellagui A, Mesbah K, Gherraf N, Lahouel M and Rhouati S. Essential oil Composition of Thymelea microphylla Coss et Dur. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2(5): 428-431, (2010)

Segueni N, Alabdul Magid A, Decarme M, Rhouati S, Lahouel M, Antonicelli F, Lavaud C, Hornebeck W. Inhibition of Stromelysin-1 by Caffeic Acid Derivatives from a Propolis Sample from Algeria. Planta Medica, 12 : 212-218 (2011)

Kheira Boutabet , Wided Kebsa, Mohamed Alyane , Mesbah Lahouel. Polyphenolic fraction of Algerian propolis protects rat kidney against acute oxidative stress induced by doxorubicin. Indian Journal of Nephrology, 36: 332-340 (2011)

Sebti, M, Lahouel, M. Chemical composition variation in essential oils of Calamintha hispidula (Boissier and Reuter) Maire, endemic in North-eastern Algeria. (Abstract). Planta Medica (2011), issue 12, 77: 176.

Narimane Segueni, Amar Zellagui, Fairouz Moussaoui, Mesbah Lahouel, Salah Rhouati. Flavonoids from Algerian propolis. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 11:235-231 (2011),

Belkassam Abdelwahab, Zellagui Amar, Gherraf Noureddine, Lahouel Mesbah and Rhouati Salah. Essential Oil Composition of Algerian Ruta Montana (Clus.) L. and its Antibacterial Effects on Microorganisms Responsible for Respiratory Infections. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 5(3): 264-268, 2011

Lahouel Mesbah, Abdelaziz  Samia. Bioavailability and pharmacokinetic of the Algerian propolis constituent naringenin in rats after oral administration. Planta Medica (2011), special issue 12, 77:

Lahouel  Mesbah, Alyane Mohamed, Barratt Gillian. Reduction toxicity by doxorubicin entrapped in liposomes nanocapsules. Planta Medica (2011), special issue 12, 77: 125

Mesbah Lahouel, Samia Abdelaziz, Abderezak Hamdi. Valorisation de la poudre de liège dans le traitement des intoxications aux métaux lourds. 2012 Proceeding, séminaire méditerranéen sur le liège. Jijel, 19-20 octobre 2011

Kebsa Wided, Rouibah Hassiba and Lahouel Mesbah. Quercetin revers doxorubicin induced acute oxidative stress in liver cells and mitochondria. Proceeding book du séminaire international ‘Cancer, stress cellulaire et substances bioactives’, Jijel 23 et 24 septembre 2012

Lahouel M . La Méthodologie de travail. Ouvrage de méthodologie. 2ème édition, OPU Eds (Alger) 2013, 110 pages.

Lahouel Mesbah and Zellagui Amar. Mechanism underlying cardioprotective effects of propolis, in Effects of Propolis in Beneficial Effects of Propolis on Human Health and Chronic Diseases. Book, Volume 2 , Nova Publisher USA, 2012

Zellagui A*, Gherraf N, Lahouel M. Drimenin-rich essential oils from Hertia cherifolia growing in Algeria. Journal of New Technology and Materials (JNTM)Vol. 02, N°01 (2012)10-13

Ouassila Touafek, Lahouel Mesbah, Elhani Makhloufi, Lamia Benguedouar, Joel Boustie , Christian Bruneau, Zahia Kabouche. Components and Antioxidant Activity of Hypericum tomentosum L. (Clusiaceae). Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature. 2012: 2231-1866.

Seifeddine Rekkab, Mesbah Lahouel, Taibi Ben Hadda, Caroline Félix, Zahia Kabouche. Design, synthesis and anticoagulant activity of new flexible calyx [8] arene sulfonic acids. Comptes Rendus Chimie. Volume 16, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 672–678

Noureddine Gherraf, Amar Zellagui, Azeddine Kabouche, Mesbah Lahouel, Ramdane Salhi, Salah Rhouati. Chemical Constituents And Antimicrobial Activity Of Essential Oils Of Ammodaucus leucotricus. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Available online 20 September 2013

Narimane Segueni, Kadour Benlabed, Bousseboua hassane, Fairouz Moussaoui, Amar Zellagui, Mesbah Lahouel, Sallah Antibacterial Activity of Two Algerians Propolis. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 25(1), 2014: 106-110

Moussaoui Sagia and Lahouel Mesbah. Propolis extract: a potent bacteria efflux pumps inhibitor. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 4 (3) 2014 pp 216 - 223

Kebsa Wided, Rouibah Hassiba and Lahouel Mesbah. Polyphenolic fraction of Algerian propolis reverses doxorubicin induced oxidative stress in liver cells and mitochondria. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.27, No.6, 2014, pp.1891-1897

Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, S Aissaoui, N Gharbi, H Graidia (2014) Probiotic properties of free and encapsulated cells of a bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus curvatus G6 of human origin. Bioprospect. 24: 60-65

H Ouled-Haddar, Sifour M, H. Bouridane, B. Merabet, R. Yakoubi, A. Boudergui (2014). Survival of free and microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum G1 in an in vitro simulated GIT system in presence of different beverages. Bioprospect. 24: 56-60

Idoui T., Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, (2014). The probiotic properties of autochthonous Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from traditional algerian foods. Bioprospect. 24: 47-52

M. Sifour, H Ouled Haddar, T. Idoui, S. Aissaoui, H. Namous (2014) Screening of some factors affecting bacteriocin production from Lactobacillus curvatus g6 using plackett- burman design. Research and Review in Bioscience. 8(10):386-393.

Leila Bouhafsa, Elara N. Moudiloubc, Jean Marie Exbrayatb, Mesbah Lahouela* & Tayeb Idoui. Protective effects of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum BJ0021 on liver and kidney oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by endosulfan in pregnant rats. 37 (8: 1370-1378

Benhamda C, A Benkahla, S. Ben Miled, H Ouled-Haddar, M D C Montero-Calasanz, M Gtari, A Cherif, B Hofner, K Ghedira, H. Sghaier. (2015). The RadioP1 – An Integrative Web Resource for Radioresistant Prokaryotes. In Evolution of Ionizing Radiation Research, 2015 edited by Mitsuru Nenoi: chapter 4: pages 89-105; InTech., ISBN: 978-953-51-2167-1

Benguedouar L , Lahouel M , Gangloff SC , Durlach A , Grange F , Bernard P , Antonicelli F Algerian ethanolic extract of Propolis and galangin decreased melanoma tumour progression in C57BL6 mice Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie. Volume 142, Issues 6–7, Supplement 1, June–July 2015,

Kebsa Wided, Rouibah Hassiba & Lahouel Mesbah. Quercetin Protects Liver Cells and Mitochondria Against Doxorubicin Induced Oxidative Stress in Albinos' Rats. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature.  Volume 5, Issue 5, 2015

Nabila Bouchair , Michel Righezza, Abderrezak Hamdi. Reversed‑phase high‑performance liquid chromatographic separation of some 2‑arylpropionic acids using vancomycin as chiral stationary phase. J IRAN CHEM SOC (2015) 12:921–928

Benguedouar L , Lahouel M , Gangloff SC , Durlach A , Grange F , Bernard P , Antonicelli F Algerian propolis extract decreases melanoma tumour progression in mice. Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016

Mohamed ALYANE, Gillian BARRATT, Mesbah LAHOUEL. Remote loading of doxorubicin into liposomes by transmembrane pH gradient to reduce toxicity towards H9c2 Cells. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2015, Volume 24, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 165–175

Nada Zabaiou, Djafar Mabed, Jean Marc Lobaccaro And  Mesbah Lahouel. Oxidative stress in benign prostate hyperplasia. Andrologia, 2016 Volume 48, Issue 1, pages 69–73,

H Ouled-Haddar, M Sifour, T Idoui, H Bouridane & S Arid (2016) Lactobacillus plantarum G1 Microencapsulation enhanced its Viability during Storage and Gastrointestinal Transit. Sains Malaysiana 45(7): 1049–1055

 Tayeb Idoui, and Mohamed Sifour 2016. Novel Isolates of Lactobacilli from Crop of Algerian Poultry as Potential Probiotic for Food Industry . International Journal of Biotechnology for Wellness Industries, 2016, 5, 82-90

 Hamida Bouridane, Mohamed Sifour, Tayeb Idoui, Lejeune Annick 3, Philip Thonard (2016) Technological and Probiotic Traits of the Lactobacilli Isolated From Vaginal Tract of the Healthy Women for Probiotic Use. Iran J Biotech. 2016 September;14(3):132-141

S. Aissaoui, M. Sifour, H. Ouled-Haddar, H. Sghaier, B. Jamoussi (2017). Microbial Removal of Sulfamethoxazole by Pure Bacterial Cultures Isolated from the Environment. J Material Env Sci, 2017 Volume 8, Issue 6, Page 2147-2153

S. Aissaoui, H. Ouled-Haddar,  M. Sifour, K harrouche, H. Sghaier, Metabolic and Co-Metabolic Transformation of Diclofenac by Enterobacter hormaechei D15 Isolated from Activated Sludge. Current Microbiology2017

S Aissaoui,  Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, Beggah C., Benhamada N, (2017) Biological removal of mixed pharmaceuticals: diclofenac, ibuprofen and sulfamethoxazole using bacterial consortium. Iranian Journal of Biotechnol. Accepted

 Zabaiou N, Allan Fouache, Amalia Trousson, Silvère Baron, Amar Zellagui, Mesbah Lahouel, Jean-Marc A. Lobaccaro. Biological properties of propolis extracts: Something new from an ancient product. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2017

 Lariche N, Benguedouar L, Lahouel M and Zellagui A. Ferulenol, (2017) A Sesquiterpene Coumarin, Induce Apoptosis via Mitochondrial Dysregulation in Lung Cancer Induced by Benzo[a]pyrene: Involvement of Bcl2 Protein. Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, vol 17 :1-7.

 Brihoum H, Maiza M, Sahali I, Boulmeltout M, Barratt G, Benguedouar L and Lahouel M. Dual effect of Algerian propolis on lung cancer : antitumor and chemopreventive effects involving antioxidant activity. Brazilian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2017 (accepted)

 Aouati MK, H. Bougherara B. Kebabi, Sifour M, Aissaoui S,  Ouled-Haddar H. (2018). Heterotrophic denitrification by Enterobacter hormaechei collected from wastewater treatment plant in presence of methanol and sodium-succinate.  Journal of Materials and Environmental Science. 9(3):804-810 · 

 Aissaoui S., Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, benguadouar L, Lahouel M  (2017) Toxicity assessment of Diclofenac and its biodegradation metabolites toward mice. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 9(5):284-290·  

 Riane K, Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, Idoui T,  H. Bourdjoul (2018). Antioxidant properties of a probiotic fermented milk, In Exploring Microorganisms: Recent Advances in Applied Microbiology, p.69,


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