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English (UK)

Lahouel M
: Polyphenolic fractions of Algerian propolis reverses doxorubicin induced acute renal oxidative stress. Congrès international sur les plantes aromatiques et médicinales, Fès (Maroc), 14-16 octobre 2010.

Bouhafs L, Lahouel M, Idoui T. Effet des probiotiques sur la toxicité d’un pesticide “l’Endosulfan” chez les rats albinos wistar. 5ème colloque “sciences et environnement”, Bizerte (Tunisie) 3-5 décembre 2010

Mesbah Lahouel, Lamia Benguedouar, Pascale Bernard and Frank Antonicelli. Honey bee Propolis, a potential therapeutic approach for melanoma. The Fourth International Chemistry Conference Riyadh- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,19-21, November 2011,

Alyane M., Barratt G., Lahouel M., Le dysfonctionnement mitochondrial, indicateur précoce de la toxicité cardiaque de la doxorubicine. 3ème Séminaire International de Biologie Animale (SIBA). Mai 2011, Constantine, Algérie

Lahouel Mesbah, Abdelaziz Bioavailability and pharmacokinetic of the Algerian propolis constituent naringenin in rats after oral administration. 59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Antalya,Turkey, 4.-9. September 2011

Kebsa Wided, Lahouel Mesbah. Extraction, phytochemmical study and anti-radicalar activity of polyphenols extracted from some kids of Algerian and Chinese tea. Congrès Méditerranéen sur les Produits Naturels, Blida (Algérie), 8-10 octobre 2011

Mesbah Lahouel, Samia Abdelaziz, Abderezak Hamdi. Valorisation de la poudre de liège dans le traitement des intoxications aux métaux lourds. 2012. Séminaire méditerranéen sur la gestion des suberaies et la qualité du liège. Jijel, 19-20 octobre 2011

Zellagui Amar, Smaili Tahar, Gherraf Noureddine, Said Noamane Labib1, Segueni Narimane, Lahouel Mesbah and Rhouati Salah. Antioxidant, Antimicrobial activities and Essential oil Composition of Two Endemic Species: Daucus sahariensis and Thymelea microphylla Coss et Dur. The Fourth International Chemistry Conference Riyadh- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,19-21, November 2011,

kebsa wided and Lahouel Mesbah. Induction of Cellular and Mitochondrial Antioxidant Defenses after Long-term Supplementation by Algerian Propolis Polyphenolic Compounds. The Second Euro-Med conference: plant Natural Products from Biodiversity to Bioindustry. December 2011 – Alexandria Egypt

Rouibah Hassiba and Lahouel Mesbah. Cardioprotective effect of Propolis Polyphenolic Compounds. The Second Euro-Med conference: plant Natural Products from Biodiversity to Bioindustry. December 2011 – Alexandria Egypt

kebsa wided and Lahouel Mesbah. Phytochemmical study and antioxidant activity of polyphenol extracted from two kids of Algerian tea. International Scoence and Echnology Conference. ISTEC 2011. Istanbul, Turkey, 07-09 December 2011.

Zellagui Amar Belkassam Abdelwahab, Gherraf Noureddine, Lahouel Mesbah and Rhouati Salah. Essential oil Composition of Algerian Ruta montana (Clus.) L.and its antibacterial effects on microorganisms responsible for respiratory infections. 3ème colloque international de chimie, Batna 22-24 novembre 2011

Sebti M, Lahouel M. Chemical composition variation in essential oils of Calamintha hisîdula (Boissier and Reuter) Maire, endemic in North-eastern Algeria. 59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Antalya,Turkey, 4.-9. September 2011

Segueni N, Alabdul-Madjid A, Decarme M, Rhouati S, Lahouel M, Antonicelli F, Lavaud C, Hornebeck W. Bio-guided isolation and separation of selective stromelysine-1 inhibitor from Algerian propolis. 3ème colloque international de chimie, Batna (Algeria) 22-24 novembre 2011.

Segueni N, Khadraoui F, Moussaoui F, Zellagui A, Benlabed K, Lahouel M, Rhouati S. Comparative study of several Algerian propolis. Mediterranean conference on natural products, Tipaza (Algérie) 9-10 octobre 2011.

Sebti M, Lahouel M, Bouden Y, Djebbar S, Guedjali A, Soum A. Interactions biochimiques (allelopathiques) entre plantes à huiles essentielles dans leurs milieu naturels. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012

Segueni N, Alabdul-Madjid A, Decarme M, Rhouati S, Lahouel M. Inhibition of stromelysine-1 by chicoric derivatives isolated from Algerian propolis. The 3nd international symposium on medicinal plants, their cultivation and aspects of uses. Petra (Jordan) 21-23 november 2012

Mesbah Lahouel , Lamia Benguedouar et Sagia Roula. Anticancer effect and inhibition of bacteria with efflux pumps as Potential therapeutic of propolis. 4ème symposium international d’aromathérapie et plantes médicinales, Nice (France), 16-18 Mars 2012

Mesbah Lahouel, Nesrine Laariche, Sagia Roula et Gillian Barratt. L’extrait de propolis : un inhibiteur potentiel de la Pgp. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012

Rouibah Hassiba, Kebsa Wided et Lahouel Mesbah. L’extrait ethanolique et les hétérosides flavoniques de la propolis agissent sur la balance antioxydant-prooxydant et l’apoptose mitochondriale. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012

Zabaiou Nada et Mesbah Lahouel, Le stress oxydatif dans l’adénome prostatique et la néoplasie intraépithéliale prostatique de haut grade (HPIN). Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Kebsa Wided, Amiour Nawel, Aziz Amina, Zouaghi Amina, Rouibah Hassiba and  Lahouel Mesbah. Algerian Green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract reduces Doxorubicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.  1er Congrès International de la Société Algérienne de Nutrition (SAN), Oran (Algérie), le 05 et 06 décembre 2012

Rouibah h, Kebsa W, Lahouel M. Antioxidant and antiapoptotic effect of propolis flavonoids extract in cultured cells and prevention of vascular risk. 1er Congrès International de la Société Algérienne de Nutrition (SAN), Oran (Algérie), le 05 et 06 décembre 2012

L Benguedouar, Sc Gangloff, Al Goeldel, A Durlach, H El Btaouri, M Lahouel, F Grange, P Bernard And F Antonicelli. Propolis ethanolic extract induced melanoma apoptosis in vitro and reduced tumor growth in vivo. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Hendis Mohamed Essadek; Lahouel Mesbah; Bahri Laid. Capacité de l’acide gallique dans la réduction du métabolisme du glucose Saccharomyces cerevisiae par la présence de H2O2 et NO. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Sagia Moussaoui And Mesbah Lahouel. Antimicrobial Activity of propolis extract against bacteria with efflux pumps. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Bouhafs Leila, Lahouel M, Idoui T. Effet des probiotiques sur le stress oxydant induit par l'exposition au endosulfan chez les rats Albinos Wistar. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Belli Nassima, Chebab Samira, Leghouchi Essaid Et Lahouel Mesbah. Sress cellulaire induit par le plomb et le cadmium, deux contaminants des eaux souterraines de l’oued Nil (Jijel - Algérie). Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Alyane M, Lahouel M Et Barratt G. Etude de l’effet protecteur de l’encapsulation de la doxorubicine dans des liposomes pégylés sur les cellules cardiaques H9c2. Séminaire international “Cancer Stress et Substances Bioactives” Jijel 23,24 septembre 2012.

Segueni N, Benlabed K, Moussaoui F, Zellagui A, Lahouel M, Rhouati S. Evaluation of propolis effect on liver and kidney functions in rats. XI international ethnobotany symposio, Antalya (Turkey) 2-5 november 2013.

Rechak H, Lahouel M, Hamdi A. Pharmacokinetics behaviuor of verapamil after intravenous and oral administration of diazepam in rats by HPLC. 6th international conference on green and sustainable chemistry, Nottingham (UK), 4-7 August 2013

Kebsa W, Rouibah H, Lahouel M. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of propolis from thee Algerian localities (Jijel, Mila and Tizi ouzou). Journées internationals de biotechnologie, Hammamet (Tunisie) 21-24 décembre 2013.

Ahmed Kabouche, Aicha Bouratoua, Oussila Touafek, Mesbah Lahouel, Sakina Zerizer Zahia Kabouche. Components, antioxidant and immunostimulatory activities of Hypericum totentosum. Fourth international meeting on pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (IMPPS-4), Istanbul (Turkey), 18-21 september 2014

Zahia Kabouche, Seifeddine Rekkab, Mesbah Lahouel, Taibi Benhadda, Caroline Felix. Design, synthesis and anticoagulant activity of new flexible calix(8)arene sulfonic acids. Fourth international meeting on pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (IMPPS-4), Istanbul (Turkey), 18-21 september 2014

Segueni N, Moussaoui F, Zellagui A, Benlabed K, Bousseboua H, Lahouel M, Rhouati S. Valorization of propolis and problem of standardization. 2ème congrès international de la biodiversité végétale. Marrakech 27-29 Mars 2014

Lahouel M. Les possibilités thérapeutique de la propolis. Conférence, Séminaire institut Gallien Paris-Sud, 12 juin 2014.

Laariche N, Benguedouar L, Lahouel M. Benzo(a)pyren, a environmental pollutant, induce lung carcinogenesis by alteration of lung mitochondria. 1er congrès international de biotoxicologie et bioactivité. Oran (Algérie) 26 et 27 novembre 2014

H Ouled-Haddar, Sifour M, Bouridane, B. Merabet, R. Yakoubi, A. Boudergui (2014). Survival of free and microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum G1 in an in vitro simulated GIT system in presence of different beverages. BioTech 2014 and 6th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition. June 11-14, 2014, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

Idoui T., Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, (2014). The probiotic properties of autochthonous Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from traditional algerian foods. BioTech 2014 and 6th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition. June 11-14, 2014, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

Amira, Boujlida H., Sifour M, Khennouf T. (2014). Isolement et identification des bactéries lactiques de Rayeb et évaluation de leurs aptitudes technologiques et probiotiques. Séminaire International sur les sciences alimentaire. 14-16-octobre 2014. Constantine.

Idoui T., Sifour M., (2014). The autochtounous Lactobacillus strains: Screening of potential probiotics for use in Algerian’s poultry. IV Mediterranean Poultry Summit. 2-5 september 2014. Beirut. Lebanon

Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, S Aissaoui, N Gharbi, H Graidia (2014) Probiotic properties of free and encapsulated cells of a bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus curvatus G6 of human origin. BioTech 2014 and 6th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition. June 11-14, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

Samiya Amira, Mohamed Sifour, Besma Mokhbi, 2015. The study of the survival of some probiotic lactic acid bacteria in simulated gastrointestinal conditions after encapsulation. The international Conference Microbial Ecology: Towards New Challenges. 12-14, 2015. Setif, Algeria.

 Aouati MK, B Kebabi, H Ouled-Haddar, Sifour M, Aissaoui (2016). Biological denitrification using microorganisms collected from the waste water treatment plant: Enterobacter hormaechei. International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring, July 19-22, 2016 – Hamburg, Germany

 S Aissaoui, M Sifour, H Ouled-Haddar, H Sghaier, M Bariza, M Nadjat (2016). Biodegradation of diclofenac by pure bacterial cultures Enterobacter hormaechei (D15) and Citrobacter youngae (D16),  Tunisia

 Samiya Amira, Mohamed Sifour, Besma Mokhbi (2016). The effectiveness of the extrusion and the emulsion techniques in encapsulating Lactobacillus plantarum and simulating the gastrointestinal tract. Journées Internationales de Biotechnologie. du 18 au 22 Decembre 2016, Sousse, Tunisie.

 Manel Zeraoulia, K. Riane, H. Ouled-Haddar, M. Sifour, E.H. Ainoune, T. Idoui (2017) L’activite antioxydante des exopolysaccharides des bacteries lactiques. 3eme congrès. 3ème Congrès International de la SAN, Constantine, 28-30 novembre 2017 - CI-SAN 2017

 Amira S. Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in sodium alginate :enhancement of survivability and thermotolerance/the first international congress on Biotechnologies for sustainable development (CIBSDD 2017 Boumerdes Algeria 24/25 October)

 Ayad Rima, Idoui Tayeb, Ouled haddar Houria (2017). Screening d'amylases extracellulaires chez des bactéries halotolérantes isolées d'olives noires salées. the first international congress on Biotechnologies for sustainable development (CIBSDD 2017 Boumerdes Algeria 24/25 October).

 M Sifour; K. Riane; H. Ouled-Haddar; T. Idoui; H. Bourdjoul. (2017) Antioxidant properties of a probiotic fermented milk. VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2017), 18-20 October 2017, Madrid (Spain)

 H Ouled-Haddar;N Abbas; K Riane; M Sifour; T Idoui (2017) Effective chromium removal capacity of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2017), 18-20 October 2017, Madrid (Spain)

 T Idoui; M Sifour; H Ouled Haddar (2017) Novel Lactobacillus strain isolated from gastrointestinal tract of local poultry: screening for possible probiotic applications.  VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2017), 18-20 October 2017, Madrid (Spain)

 KEBSA W*., KECIRA M., ZITOUNI M., BEKOUCHE A. AND LAHOUEL M. Protective effect of quercetin on aflatoxin B1-induced hepatic damages in rats. Séminaire international : « Environnement, Agriculture et Biotechnologie » Bouira, Algérie 27 et 28 Novembre 2017


Lahouel M. Contribution de l’université à la formation, la recherche et développement de la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques. 2èmes journées de pharmacie, Jijel, 26 février 2011

Zellagui Amar, Gherraf Noureddine, Lahouel Mesbah and Rhouati Salah.Antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of Algerian endemic species growing in Oum El Bouaghi (semi-wet-area). Premier séminaire sur les forêts et les steppes des zones semi-arides, Djelfa28-30 novembre 2011.

Gherraf Noureddine, Zellagui Amar, Lahouel Mesbah and Rhouati Salah.Antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of thymelea microphylla Coss et Dur aerial parts growing in sahara. Premier séminaire sur les forêts et les steppes des zones semi-arides, Djelfa28-30 novembre 2011.

Segueni N, Khadraoui F, Moussaoui F, Zellagui A, Lahouel M, Rhouati S. Volatiles constituents of Algerian propolis. 9ème journées nationales de pharmacie. Batna, 9 juin 2011.

Kebsa Wided, Mellit Mounia, Rouibah Fatima, Rouibah Fadia and Lahouel Mesbah. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil and ethanolic extract of Algerian Myrtus communis leaves.   Séminaire National sur les Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales " SNPAM 12’’ Khmis-Miliana: 6 et 7 novembre 2012.

Aissaoui S, Ouled Haddar H, Sifour M, Lahouel M. Biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole by Pseudomonas Sp.S4 isolated from activated sludge of waste, water treatment plant of Errabta (Jijel). 2èmes journées nationales de chimie de Annaba, 9-11 avril 2013

Aissaoui S, Sifour M, Ouled Haddar H, Lahouel M. Biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole by free and immobilized Arthrobacter nicotinae. 20èmes journées nationales de microbiologie. Jijel, 12 et 13 novembre 2014

Sifour M., Ouled-Haddar H., Idoui T. (2014) Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and probiotic properties of microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum 1ères Journées de Biologie des Systèmes Microbiens, JBSM 2014, 14 et 15 décembre 2014. Alger, ALGERIA

Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, S. Aissaoui, Zahriou R., Zidane S. (2014). The effect of date juice and medium components on the production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus plantarum Les 20èmes Journées Nationales de Microbiologie, 12-13 Novembre 2014. Jijel, ALGERIA

Aissaoui S., Sifour, H. Ouled-Haddar. (2014) Biodegradation of Sulfamethoxazole by free and immobilized Arthrobacter nicotianae. Les 20èmes Journées Nationales de Microbiologie, 12-13 Novembre 2014. Jijel, ALGERIA

Riane K., Sifour, H. Ouled-Haddar, S. Aissaoui, S. Medjdoub. (2014) Effect of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the viability of free and microencapsulated probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum G1. Les 20èmes Journées Nationales de Microbiologie, 12-13 Novembre 2014. Jijel, ALGERIA

Aissaoui S., Sifour M, H Ouled-Haddar, Zahriou R., Zidane S. (2014). Optimization of the production of probiotic biomass using date extract. Séminaire International sur les Sciences Alimentaire. 14-16-octobre 2014. Constantine, ALGERIA

Kebsa W, Boubalouta H, Benguedouar L, Rouibah Hassiba & Lahouel Mesbah. Algerian green Tea (Camellia sinensis) extract attenuates doxorubicin hepathotoxicity in rats. Séminaire Nationale sur les Substances Bioactive. 18-19 Novembre 2015. Bejaia

 Sifour, M,  Ouled-Haddar, H, Aissaoui, S, Idoui, T, Zahriou, R, Zidane S (2017) valorisation of date waste for the production of probiotic bacterial biomass. Algerian Journal of Arid Environment. 7 


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